Events Gallery

June Outing to Union Train Station

June 4
    The Regions first event of 2023 was a small but successful foray. We all met at Cracker Barrel in Pelham and drove to Montgomery to attend the Capital City Cruisers event at the old Montgomery train station. Patrick Anderson, in his magnificent Grenada, joined me in my 46 Ford Business Coupe Great Race Car and we drove down to Montgomery on Hwy 31. The drive, a full two hours, was remarkably nice. Perfect temperature, minimal traffic and long stretches of stoplight free country cruising.
    We arrived at Union Train Station just as the station filled up completely. They chose to put the next group of cars right down the middle of the station. Patrick and I, and then Vicki and Art just two cars back, were dead in the center of the action next to the registration and announcers booth. Vicki quickly set up a recruiting booth, where two new member paid dues, and several more were very interested to hear the message and the intent of the AACA. We heard a lot of great stories about original cars in the area and met some fabulous folks. Although there was a bit of drama when one participant chose to leave early and misjudged the distance between his lovely truck and even lovelier convertible, the day was simply lovely. Luckily the damage was minimal, but i bet it hurts right in the wallet. I’m going to take this as a warning to just stay and enjoy the event until it’s over, or leave my car out in the parking lot next time if I have to leave early.
    The Capital City Cruisers clearly do a fantastic job working the businesses in Montgomery for donations. The announcer apologized for not having enough door prizes for the turnout that they enjoyed. He only had about a hundred great door prizes for the show!!! I went home with a small die grinder, and it looked like everyone got something. There were no trophies or awards for the show, so after door prizes and the obligatory 50/50 drawing (for $1100), the organizers thanked us and told us to have a safe drive home and to come back next year.
    As many of y’all know, interstate 65 has a beach traffic problem. During the summer, travelers heading to the beach are known to slow traffic and back up travelers heading south on Sundays in the summer and heading north on Saturdays. Well this being a Saturday, leaving Montgomery about 3:00, I told Patrick that we might experience some beach traffic. I hate being right. There were several patches of bumper to bumper 15 MPH on the way home and it finally caught up with us as one of the cars had slightly less gas than the driver thought and the car came to stop just past exit 228, in Calera, with the desired gas station sign visible in the distance. Luckily the car behind the stopped car had filled up before leaving, placing him just a bit behind the incident and before we could hang up the phone, the car could be seen on the side of the road. Fifteen minutes later both cars were back on the road for the final stretch back home.    
– Sam Barnett


Eastern Spring Nationals – Gettysburg, PA

May 18-20
Gettysburg is obviously a very special place and the Eastern Spring Nationals held there was pretty amazing as well. We stayed in a campground called Artillery Range Campground which is on the edge of the Historical Park. So every time you go anywhere, you see monuments and historical markers. We saw a lot of historical homes which were marked as having been battle ground hospitals.  We drove into town to get breakfast at a local place and drove by one of the cemeteries which had a marker that indicated the site of the Gettysburg Address was nearby. Gettysburg is definitely one of those places where you can almost feel the history all around you. We did not have time on this trip to actually drive through the National Park but have done it before and took the guided tour. If you are ever in the area, I highly recommend it! – Vicki Bolton


Shhh! Secret City Tour, Oakridge, Tennessee

April 30 – May 4
Under the cover of the pre-dawn light, we snuck out of the neighborhood to meet the rest of the crew. The rendezvous spot was under the neon lights of Bob’s Speed Shop at a quarter to.
    Our destination was the 2023 Southeastern Divisional Tour known as the Secret City Tour in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains.
    Darrin, Barrett and I have been anticipating this trip for a while.
    The best part of the tour was so many people from our new group called the Back Roads Touring Region participated.
    Paul Dagenais and Tracy Metclaf are taking their newly painted 1964 Comet Caliente. They pulled the enclosed trailer behind the 1988 Suburban. Darrin and Paul really decked out the trailer for this very purpose.
    David and Joyce Ladnier pulled the 1964 Ford Galaxie 500 convertible.
    We pulled the 1955 Chevy Bel Air on an open trailer as well. This vehicle has been in the family since 1963. It has been a few colors including pink.
    Debbie and Craig Henry, and Vicki and Art Bolton were already in Oakridge and Ernie Rogers was not far behind.
 Barrett was assigned homework for the four days of school he missed. He worked hard for 2 days to get it done.

Transporting the thirsty little buggers can get a little pricey! but every penny worth it.

We unloaded vehicles and got settled in.

   The tour started that night with a drivers meeting that includes a history of the area. The food was very spicy! Darrin got an order of chicken without any spice, and he shared it with all of us. The Speaker told us all about the history of the Manhattan Project.

May Day, May Day

    We divided into two groups. Password for the day “you’re odd or you’re not”. Odd and even cars were divided into two groups.
    Our instructions needed to be decoded. We were car 35. That made us a bit on the odd duck side. At 8 am sharp our group met to leave out on the first day

 The highlight for him was the 3-D printed automobile. The motorized Rube Goldberg machine was a hit. (Even hit Joyce with a rouge ball that went flying out.)

    We climbed in our cars and toured through the city to the coffee break at Melton Lake Park hosted by Explore Oak Ridge. One of the highlights of the back roads that we traveled was to discover a single lane underpass that was controlled by courtesy.
    The park boasts of its “Run of The River” kayak course. The Danishes and muffins were tasty. We took a group photo in front of the Oak Ridge Police vehicle all wearing Bob’s Speed Shop T-shirts.

    While there, you had the chance to tour the Kayak  storage facility with single kayaks up to 60-feet-long.

    The winding roads and beautiful scenery in our old cars was stunning. After the stop we proceeded back in time to the Appalachia Museum where we all were fed pulled pork or pulled chicken.
    We walked through the homesteads and buildings that had many items on displayed. The peacocks drew a lot of attention. They were strutting their feathers for us all to enjoy.

    Barrett joined in with the dulcimer band. He played the antique percussion instrument that was a toy on a stick and a board that he tapped to make the toy dance.

   That afternoon we drove through some very beautiful back road country. We visited the TVA built Norris Dam. Before finding the visitor center at the top of the dam, we had the opportunity to get a photo. We took the time to walk out on the dam and speak with the park Rangers.

    We had a little bit of humor as we tried to fill Henry’s Model A with electricity as it was parked in the charging station. Henry Ford explored many ways to fuel vehicles in his day including electricity and I find very interesting he explored hemp and marijuana.
    We drove over the dam, then up the mountain side to the dam overlook.

     The road back seemed to go downhill forever. The crazy S curves and blind hills were a thrill to travel on.

The Longest Day

     Our coded instructions encompassed 155 miles of backroads travel.

     Our first mission took us past the Turnpike Gatehouse. Built in 1948 it was one of the many Gatehouses that protected the Secret City and controlled the access to K-25. K-25 was the codename given by the Manhattan Project to the program to produce enriched uranium for atomic bombs using the gaseous diffusion method.
    We took a large step back in time when we entered Fort Loudoun State Historic Park. This is one of Britain’s earliest Forts used during the French and Indian war. We walked through the fort and looked at the accommodations. Some rooms housed four people and some twelve or more.

We enjoyed a coffee stop here. We caught up with both groups at this point.

     We passed Chilhowee Dam.  The views of the mountain sides and newly leafed trees were spectacular.
     We traveled the Foothills Parkway for 17 miles. The foothill of the Appalachian Mountains had many curves and lookouts for us to enjoy. We took advantage of the opportunity to photograph the ‘55.
    After descending the mountain trail, we came through a little town called Townsend also known as “The Peaceful Side of the Mountain”. You could tell it was a tourist destination! So many interesting places to stop, but our directions kept us moving forward.

    Our lunch stop was at the Great Smoky Mountain Heritage Center. We were treated to a box lunch with ham sandwich, chips and a cookie. Sitting in the  grandstands we all enjoyed our lunch.

    The speaker talked about bear rescue efforts in the area. The speaker told us how important it is to control our trash. She spoke about the rescue of bears that are only a few pounds in size.

     On our way back, we chose to take a detour and visit Smoky Mountain Auto Traders to investigate the 100 or so cars in various stages of restoration.
    Heading back out of the mountains we got a better view of Fort Loudoun Dam that was built in the early 1940s by TVA.

    Our last stop for the day was at  K-25  site at the Heritage Center. Darrin and Barrett enjoyed reading all about the Atom bomb and the facility that helped build them. They even tried the freeze-dried ice cream sandwich. Barrett said it was good but tasted like a cookie.

Bombs, Bars & Cars

     Departure time was 8 am. We were all getting the hang of the directions! Each of has had a turn at navigating at this point. Today’s Secret Tour instructions took us to our first stop, the Oak Ridge History Museum.

    We learned valuable information about the people that built Oak Ridge. Born in war time, Oak Ridge never made it into any map until after WWII ended.
    The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941. At the time Oak Ridge did not exist. It was rural farmland. Purchased in 1942 the land was developed as part of the Manhattan Project and soon had a population of 75,000 people, all working to end the war. The collections of personal items were amazing and brought back many memories!

    We then traveled to Historic Jackson Square for coffee break where we were treated to donuts and coffee. We had a chance to catch up with both the odd and even groups.
     This was originally called “Town Center No 1”. It opened in 1943 and offered 24 hr. grocery shopping, farmers markets, gasoline, stores, pharmacy, theater and more.

    Our tour through the residential areas first took us on a drive through the Alexander House, a boarding house in the 40’s where you would share a room with strangers. It is now a retirement home. We traveled along streets where you could view the Alphabet Houses. From Type A through H Cemesto homes- Cemesto being a mix of cement and asbestos- to Types A, B, C, S, and V Flat-Top designs, Oak Ridge’s architectural style was unique in its simplicity, form, function, and space.
    A beautiful drive into the foothills led us to Bushy Mountain State Penitentiary in Petros.

     Upon arriving at the Penitentiary, we were greeted by Inmate President Fred Trusty (apparently is deemed trustworthy by the authorities)
    Arriving early, we were given an opportunity to rest for a little while and explore some of the grounds.
    Served in prison trays, our burger from Wardens Table Restaurant could not have been any better. Seated in a jail cell we enjoyed the atmosphere.

    We made the “great switch-a-roo” with the even numbers, and we had our chance to explore the prison while they had the opportunity to enjoy lunch. Bushy Mountain opened in 1896 to replace the previous system of using the “prisoners” as unpaid convict labor in the coal mines.

An ex-prisoner told us about all the fellow inmates and their stories.

    Then a retired guard told us stories about his experiences with the inmates.
    We found cell number 47 to match the inmate number Barrett will portray in his tap dance recital.   We were about the last to leave the site as we all found this venue very interesting.

    The East Tennessee Region hosted an Ice cream social at Bissell Park. They served some very tasty ice cream with cookies.

    Along with ice cream we joined with locals to hold a Wednesday afternoon car show that was well attended by locals. I saw several people letting youth looking at the car climb in and get photos.

    Several members of the Dixie Region got together for a photo. We took a walk to get a chance to ring the Friendship Bell.
    Closing Ceremony was held at the host hotel. Everybody came together for one last time before heading home. Dinner was chicken or fish served buffet style.

    Our table decorations mimicked the famous Route 66 but our table number was23.  We had to keep the sign because Darrin’s little brother’s race car number was 23.
    The buffet line moved very quickly, and everyone had plenty to eat!
    President Fred Trusty spoke about AACA to everybody. He mentioned the new website and He mentioned the new website and the updates that it porovieds to members.
The guest speaker with his humar about the local dialect. There was pelnty of laughter to go around.

     Barrett and the girls went swimming in the pool across the street. Nothing is better than going to swim after such a great tour. We all learned so much, laughed a bunch and enjoyed all the great people that attended the events.

    I don’t think the East Tennessee Region will be able to keep the secret anymore! They know how to host a great tour! – Charlotte Dahlenburg

AACA 2023 Southeastern Spring Nationals

April 13-15
by Vicki Bolton
    Charlotte is such an interesting venue at the Speedway. The Hornet’s Nest Region hosts the Charlotte Auto Fair at the Speedway at the same time as the Southeastern Spring Nationals.
    So, there is something for everyone – Flea Market; Car Corral; Car Show; and Food vendors. This year I was busy with Judging Administration, so I didn’t get over to the Flea Market, but I have been many times before.
    There are special displays by vendors, your normal car related flea market stuff, and always interesting cars in the car corral. And of course, lots of food!​


Earth Day at Pepper Place Farmers Market

April 22
by Vicki Bolton
    We enjoyed showing our 1953 electric Autoette on Earth Day at the Pepper Place Farmer’s Market. In honor of Earth Day, the market hosted a gathering of electric vehicles. I had never seen so many Teslas but there were several other manufacturers represented as well. It was an interesting contrast to see the Autoette next to a new Tesla.
    It was a beautiful day and the little Autoette was a big hit, especially with the kids!

Memories on Main Street

March 11
By Charlotte Dahlenburg
We attended Memories on Main Street in Lucedale, MS on Sat., March 11. The show was fun and all the business along the historic Main Street stayed open for the 200 plus cars.  Our 1955 Chevy Bel Air took runner up award in the 50-59 Category. 

Southern Museum of Flight

February 25, 2023
By James Meredith
As director of Alabama Packards, I have invited the Dixie Region of AACA to join us on any of our outings.  On February 25 the Alabama Packards toured the Southern Museum of Flight.
   The Southern Museum of Flight is one of the largest aviation museums in the Southeast.  It is dedicated to presenting civilian, military and experimental aircraft and memorabilia from the earliest history of powered flights. It is the home of the Alabama Aviation Hall of Fame and houses over 100 aircraft.
   We hadn’t been in several years and in spite of the bleak weather had a turnout of about 15 people.  We had a great time and saw a lot of interesting aircraft. This is a really great museum with many interesting exhibits, including one about the Tuskegee Airmen.
   After spending a couple of hours there we met up for lunch at El Cazador.

Annual Convention and Meeting in Williamsburg VA

February 9-11
By Vicki Bolton and Charlotte Dahlenburg
Photos by Vicki Bolton, Charlotte Dahlenburg and Alexander Soultanis
    The 87th Annual Convention in Williamsburg, VA 2023 was held February 9-11 at the Doubletree by Hilton hotel.  Many people arrived early to the convention on Wednesday, February 8 to make sure they didn’t miss out on any of the many fun events planned.
    Thursday morning began with registration where you received your name badge and all your tickets to the many tours planned for participants.  The American Revolution Museum tour began at 9 am followed by The Mariners Museum tour that started at 9:30 am. 
    Art and Vicki took the tour to the Mariner’s Museum in the morning and the tour to Colonial Williamsburg in the afternoon. Both were led by very knowledgeable tour guides. The tours were absolutely incredible!
    The Mariner’s Museum is the museum that houses the USS Monitor. They are conserving the Monitor and other artifacts retrieved from the ocean floor. They also have an incredible display of models of ships and a hall dedicated to the history of the US Navy. I highly recommend it if you are ever in the neighborhood.
    The afternoon offered two more tours at 1:30 pm where you could tour Colonial Williamsburg.
    The tour to Williamsburg was excellent! We saw the Capitol Building and walked down to the Governor’s Palace. We saw a local pub and a furniture store. The buildings along the street were awesome. The tour guide reminded us that some of the people who walked these streets included George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.
    From 2-4 pm you could visit the Sherwood Forest Plantation the home of President John Tyler.  The plantation has been the continuous residence of the Tyler family since 1842. Sherwood Forest Plantation remains the longest frame house in America.  In 1845, it was expanded to its present length of over 300 feet when Tyler added a 68-foot ballroom catering to the popular dance of his time, the Virginia Reel. The grounds are 25 acres of terraced gardens and lawn based on the landscape designs of Andrew Jackson Downing of New York and include original outbuildings or dependencies. It is considered one of the most complete plantation yards left in America, dating from c. 1680
     Thursday evening everyone gathered in the main ballroom for the Board of Directors Welcome Reception.  President Wayne Tuck welcomed us and announced it was national pizza day.  It was fitting to have pizza for dinner!  This time was spent reconnecting with friends from all over the country.
    Friday morning everything was in full swing. The Trade Show opened and seminars started. You could learn more about everything from how to put together a better newsletter, collecting memorabilia,  restoration, and much more.  This year a CPR course was offered and well attended.  You can rest assured now, there are lots of newly certified friends out there. Also, the newly redesigned Luncheon was hosted by the First Lady, Denise Tuck and no seminars or activities to interfere. The entertainer, Craig Daniel from New Jersey, entertained us with the oldies and car tunes. After a delicious lunch there was a trivia session with questions related to the old car hobby.
     The evening event was the newly redesigned Regions and Chapters Dinner.  This was open to anyone.  Our outgoing and incoming Presidents informed us about the direction of AACA.  Joining the 21 century was a priority with a new website capable of paying online for almost everything.  Many Presidents took the opportunity to grant AACA with checks.  Support from regions is important to the health of AACA’s finances.
    After the dinner we were entertained by MerMan’s Comedy and Illusion Show.  MerMan pulled people from the audience to help with the entertainment.  We all laughed at the crazy stunts and tricks.
    Judging Schools were held Saturday morning including a basic class, an advanced class and a class for Team Captains followed by a great lineup or the half day of seminars.  The Trade show was open until the Annual meeting started. 
    Annual meeting started at 2 pm. The Annual report was presented along with the Treasurer’s report.  The bell was passed to Fred Trusty as the 2023 President of AACA from the 2022 President Wayne Tuck.  During this meeting the new VPs were installed with two new VPs that included Vicki Bolton and Richard Lentinello.
    The round-table discussion was led by Paula Ruby where there was a lot of discussion about marketing, membership, and the importance of websites. AACA will be introducing a new website later this year.
    The Annual Awards Banquet started with the  red carpet.  Everyone dressed to the hilt gathered near the two Oscars for photos. We had about 45 minutes to visit before the doors opened to the banquet area. 
    Dinner was served and the banquet started with the pinning of the new president by the outgoing president. Very quickly Debbie Noland, VP of Youth Development announced the many winners of scholarships. VP Mary Bartimer presented the Web Master Awards.  Jim Elliot and West Peterson presented the many National Awards.



Winter Nationals in Miami

January 26-28
By Vicki Bolton – Photos by Vicki Bolton
   The show was held at the Gold Coast Railroad Museum which features the Presidential Pullman car Ferdinand Magellan. The car was used by Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower and Reagan.
    The show included a tour to a private collection. The collection featured a display of the evolution of guns, a country store, a soda shop and a complete working display of an antique fire alarm system. But the final display was an incredible display of working musical instruments including a Wurlitzer Organ. The tour finished with an amazing concert on the Wurlitzer

This car from the private collection was entered in the show and had the distinction of being 1 of 2 cars that survived the San Francisco earthquake

This car was on display with the trophy “Voted worst car in every show



Birmingham Alabama's Local Antique Automobile Club